Monthly Archives: January 2017

New Year’s Soul Ritual.

This is one of the most spiritually auspicious times of the year and one where what you think and dream of casts a spell into your new year. Time for relinquishing the old – belief patterns that no longer serve you, hurts, lack of forgiveness, feelings of ‘not enough’ (self-worth, money etc), addictions and behaviours…

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Do you look after your inner child?

You know – the one who dwells deep within and doesn’t censor much. The one who is authentic and feels. The one who is playful and hasn’t forgotten about MAGIC. This part of yourself is so pure and has not bought into limitation. Anything is possible to your inner child. Bring them out today! When…

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Selling Yourself – Self-Sacrifice or Self-Sustainability?

The delicate balance of promoting yourself in business and not selling your soul down the river. It’s an art. We all know shameless self-promoters who seem to succeed because of their gall to over-expose themselves. We may even be envious of how many ‘likes’ they get or how many followers they have on social media.…

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Integrating the practice into life

To be honest, I can struggle with this and there is definitely a fine art when it comes to this balancing act. Sometimes, I feel the illusion of completely nailing it and then other times, I desperately hide away and isolate myself on a less than healthy level. People generally think I’m an extremely social…

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