What Women Aren’t Taught About Hormone Imbalances And How Yoga Can Help
It’s a topic that’s rapidly gaining popularity, but what do we really know about supporting our hormones? We’re often told to eat a balanced diet, to exercise regularly, to get adequate sleep, to manage stress, and to keep the body well hydrated. But what should we eat, how should we exercise, how much sleep is…

MHA intro Spring 2017
My Health Association brings together like-minded professionals who work within a natural healing and spiritual industry. Our intention as a governing body in the natural health arena is to remind our members that spirituality and business can go hand-in-hand. Often we are told that the two simply don’t meet and that we must be competitive…

MHA Word from our Broker Winter 17
Empowered Leadership As an insurance broker, one of my main roles is to meet with business owners to discuss their insurance needs which invariably leads to a conversation about the culture within their workplace. What I’ve discovered is many business owners do not feel they have the right to be the leader and ultimate decision…

A Restorative Yin Sequence.
To relax into the cooler months. Our winter months create natural introspection and space for deep rest. Restorative and Yin Yoga practices are wonderful for this time of year, bringing a feeling of connection to your Higher Self and a balancing for your nervous system as the parasympathetic nervous system governing your ‘rest and digest’…

Time heals all wounds? I call BS!
Time doesn’t heal all wounds, not by a long shot. Just ask any of a number of Veterans of the Vietnam war when they have completed their first Trauma Sensitive Yoga class after feeling like they are still in the war zone for the past few decades (click here to watch). Or you could read or…

Almonds are recognised as one of the most nutritious nuts which on top of having a delicious taste they are also very beneficial to our health. Almonds help strengthen bones, allow skin and hair to look healthy and moisturised, reduce the risk of heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases, plus strengthen and protect the walls…

Moving Inwards.
Summer is over, and autumn’s energy is quickly surrounding us which will lead us to an inward movement. What we must do during the next three months, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, is to prepare for winter. As we live in a world where outward actions predominate, inward movement can be interpreted as an unpleasant…

What To Do When You Have Lost Your Business Mojo!
We have all been there and if you haven’t you will go there at some point! Business owner fatigue, lack of interest or ‘lost your mojo’ is both a physically and emotionally challenging time. We are so enthusiastic at the beginning of our business venture, yet, when the fun and excitement settles, we are left…

Walking Meditation
There are many and varied forms of meditation available to each of us on this pathway through our lives. If we consider the formal meditation practices of Yoga then we are familiar with Yoga Nidra. Yoga Nidra seeks to awaken the connection between mind, body and soul. ‘Nidra’ meaning sleep is a deep relaxation form…