Monthly Archives: May 2016

Into the 5th dimension

We are all a part of the spiritual shifts in the collective consciousness.  Some people may be unaware of it, frightened even and choose to shut it down.  That’s their truth and it’s their perfect experience.  Others, like YOU who is reading this now, are fully open to this new way of being.  Enough grasping,…

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Meditation in a New Dimension

I have recently experienced float tanks or sensory deprivation tanks which are  rapidly rising in popularity. These tanks have been around for over 40 years however in a time where people are multitasking, frantic and over stimulating their central nervous system we are seeing a significant rise in Yoga and other techniques to quiet the…

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Real Yoga… Where does it start?

I feel its safe to say that many of us start to hit the Yoga mat for some kind of physical benefit. It doesn’t take us long to realize that something deeper starts to occur when we become consistent with our Yoga practice. It’s not the stretching that keeps us coming back for more… it’s…

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Do You Know About Hemp?

As a Naturopath and Herbalist my love for the plant kingdom extends far beyond its beauty and its role in keeping the planet alive and healthy. Plants are extremely sophisticated organic living beings.  Their history goes back well before humans and even the animal kingdom existed.  They carry within them the wisdom and energy of…

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Yoga & Insurance: Are They Aligned?

Does Yoga and Insurance go together in the same sentence? Some would say no, some would say yes and some would say ‘I have no idea!’ The answer is YES! You invest all your efforts and energy into becoming a great Yoga Teacher – when you have practised the poses, studied the language, found a…

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