Monthly Archives: July 2016

The Lion’s Gateway Star Portal
By Zoe Fields ( Powerful energetic activations that began on the 26th July 2016 and end on the 12th August are taking place bringing changes that will elevate our 3rd eye chakra. You may experience headaches or aches and pains as the new energetic light codes recalibrate with increasing vibrational frequency. These symptoms will relieve…

Easy Ways to Feel Better and Live Happier
by Greg Dunn ( Aus Acu & Liver Health One of the most unique and wonderful parts of practicing Yoga is the realisation that you are essentially one and the same with the world, and the universe, around you. Our remarkable spirits, our memories, our physical bodies, our likes and dislikes, our suffering, our…

Rest In Natural Great Peace
by Matty McDonnell ( According to Google, rest can be defined as one’s ability to cease work or movement in order to relax, sleep or recover strength. I would concur that all of these things are possible with the profound benefits of Restorative Yoga. I receive many calls and emails per week asking “What is…

Winter Solistice, the a journey to your inner self and the beginning of a new cycle .
by Carlos Salazar ( Traditionally, the winter solstice is one of the most spiritual dates in the year which many cultures considered as a moment of renewal and rebirth. During this time, the feminine divinity gives birth to the Sun starting a new cycle. During this time the darkness is dissipated and our consciousness is…

A restful business is a successful business.
by Chris Bygraves ( Creating space in your business is probably one of the most important tools in order to be successful, productive, creative and abundant. Without space your energy and mind simply cannot connect as one in order to filter new ideas, problem solve or think rationally about giving your business opportunities to blossom.…

The Importance of Daily Spiritual Rituals
by Carrie-Anne Fields ( Whether you are a yogi, tarot reader, healer, masseuse, naturopath, acupuncturist or just a lover of all things spiritual, creating a daily ritual for divine connection needs to be a priority for soul development. Creating a deep ‘groove’ of behaviour (samskara) provides a way to instantly connect to Source energy at…